Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (LYPFT) is the main provider of specialist mental health and learning disability services in Leeds and provides specialist services across the North of England.
The Trust also generates high quality research. Focusing on mental health, learning disabilities and neurodiversity, this research changes lives across the UK.
Its Research and Development (R&D) team supports a range of high quality studies involving service users, carers, friends, family and its staff.
The main aim of its research is to advance the Trust’s broad-ranging services, while also influencing transformation across the sector. To help achieve this the Trust is:
- developing a skilled research workforce,
- creating a culture of research being core business,
- engaging a network of key stakeholders,
- influencing national and regional agendas, and
- effectively sharing the outputs and impacts of their research.
Underpinning these activities are excellent relationships between medical, psychiatric and academic colleagues in Leeds, providing the ideal setting for research and development collaborations.