Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH) provides care for around 5,000 people every day always in, or as near as possible to, a person’s own home.

The Trust supports academic activities, embeds research into clinical practice and provides educational placements for healthcare professions and apprenticeships.

LCH has a strong history of supporting wound care, rehabilitation and therapy research, and supports national portfolio studies from cancer to cardiac care with a wide number of professions from speech therapy to podiatry. For children, this includes research in 0-19 public health integrated nursing, community paediatrics and adolescent mental health services.

More recently LCH has supported the set-up and delivery of the long COVID rehabilitation service in collaboration with the University of Leeds. This partnership has produced the world’s first tool for measuring, monitoring and managing long COVID and the associated rehabilitation guidance now used worldwide. Building on this, the Trust has other collaborations with higher education institutions and welcomes collaboration in research with industry and academic partners for the community of Leeds.


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